X1000 Kernel 3.10 Linux V9.0 Released

X1000 Kernel 3.10 Linux V9.0 Released

Reference Boards: 

  RD_X1000_HALLEY2_EXT/Baseboard_V2.0(SPI-nor JFFS2/SPI-nand UBI). 

  RD_X1000_HALLEY2_EXT/Baseboard_V4.1(SPI-nor JFFS2/SPI-nand UBI). 





New features in v9.0


1. Support SN and MAC address storage scheme based on SFC NAND flash storage.

2. USB HID Gadge function supported

3. Update support list for Nand flash.(DS35X1GAXXX ,GD5F2/4G5QUE/F)

4. Add chipkey re-encryption for secrity boot, which  on SFC NOR flash only.

5. Set UART IO as on-chip pull-up.

6. Fix some bugs .  


1. Update support list for Nand flash. (DS35X1GAXXX).

2. Update support list for touch screen.(FT6206).

3. Add yaffs2 file system model supported.

4. New interface for camera.

5. New test interface for UART (tools/uart_test/).

6. Update interface for gpio proc show.

7. Set UART IO as on-chip pull-up.

8. Fix a bug which case displays error.

9. Fix a bug which case I2C write timeout.

SDK rootfs:

1. Update Compilation Rules,please refer to the document for details:

    - doc/manhattan_platform_compilation_guide/New-compilation-rules/New-compilation-project.md; 

2. Modify the default file system attribute to read-only(RO),and add read-write data partition;

    - 16MB nor flash burning config file:configs/x1000/x1000_sfc_nor_16mb.cfg

    - 32MB nor flash burning config file:configs/x1000/x1000_sfc_nor_32mb.cfg 

3. compiling file system with builderoot.



Burn Tool: 

Update Burn tool to 2.5.4 Version. 


Get source Code: 


Clone with https:

$ wget http://git.ingenic.com.cn:8082/bj/repo

$ chmod +x repo

$./repo init -u http://git.ingenic.com.cn:8082/gerrit/Manhattan/platform/manifest -b ingenic-linux-kernel3.10.14-x1000-v9.0-20191212 -m platform/x1000.xml

$ ./repo sync

$ ./repo forall -c "git reset --hard ingenic-linux-kernel3.10.14-x1000-v9.0-20191212 "


Compile system:

$ source build/envsetup.sh

$ lunch

  * select your board configuration

$ make


When Compile completely,you will get :




In the out/product/$BOARD/image/


Feedbace and suggestions:

If you find new issues,please feedback to support@ingenic.com